18May 2010

Be a Red Cross Volunteer!

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

One key to Philippine National Red Cross’ (PNRC) efficiency is its rich volunteer resources made up of two distinct groups - the administrative volunteers, i.e. Board of Governors and Board of Directors and the direct service volunteers.

At the national level, the Board of Governors is the governing or policymaking body. In the chapters, the Board of Directors is the counterpart of the Board of Governors. These volunteer leaders are either elected or selected during assemblies.

Service volunteers provide necessary manpower to ensure that the humanitarian work of Red Cross is achieved effectively reaching the most vulnerable in times of emergencies and disasters.

Sign Up and Volunteer Now!

11May 2010
1 Comment

Dick Gordon’s Post Election Statement


I would like to congratulate Sen. Aquino for his spectacular victory. I call upon this nation to unite and support him.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me especially my volunteers and those who gave up their limited resources as a manifestation of trust in my brand of leadership and track record.

I ran a very truthful, straightforward and candid campaign and thought we could run on the basis of our platform, track record and volunteerism.

I would like to congratulate all the winners and pray that they serve our country well.

We accept the will of the people.

Today, we have a victory for democracy with the successful exercise of our first nationwide automated election despite naysayers and doubters.

The fight for this country goes beyond this day. Let us forge on in building a Bagumbayan for our people.

09May 2010

Making our Voices Heard - Bagong Bayan, Bagong Kamalayan! Modern Day Volunteers

Yesterday, the 3rd installment of a 3-day motorcade in Cavite has been rolled out. I have never been so involved in Politics my entire life until this year. I am not a fan of politics because I am not impressed, I am not a believer and I don't want to be fooled over again. My old definition of a wasted vote is a vote that I've casted yet counted for another candidate because of cheating.

This year, shortly before the elections, DICK GORDON, came across as a different leader to me. Then the story goes. I had a renewed thinking process. This time, I see a leader that I believe in, whom I can count on even if he doesn't know me personally and this time, it is backed with personal experience of how Olongapo was. Thanks to Dick Gordon, my vote will not be wasted - win or lose, because within me I am already a winner. As Spencer Johnson, M.D. said in his book, Who Moved My Cheese,

"The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese The Sooner You Find New Cheese. When You Change What You Believe, You Change What You Do!"

I am for change and so are the volunteers whom my husband and I met in the Cavite Motorcade yesterday.

Thanks to Dick Gordon, we found the value of volunteerism and thank you guys for making us feel so welcomed in the group even if we're new to this. I know and believe that we stand by the same principles and together we've made are voices heard. Our actions showed that we will not be taken away by traditional campaigns even if we don't have a lot of TV ads. Together, we still have conquered a lot. The more perspiration, the more rewarding the experience has been. We don't need to shout from the top of our voice to show that we are doing this from the heart. I am sure that the people who saw us, knew the modern definition of being a volunteer. From there alone, they should have seen why we campaign for Dick Gordon. A true leader wouldn't need money to mobilize people. If you inspire and motivate people, they will come to you voluntarily and give you their best. My husband and I came because we want to give the Philippines another shot for change. Our fellow volunteers are investing their time and effort because together we can make this change happen. We were amazed with how creative they were during the entire campaign. Not only that, I am most impressed by the WILL to simply make it happen, the WILL to make a STAND, the WILL to do some sacrifices.

You know what? Collectively, this WILL can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. Dare to be different. Dare to stand for your true freedom. Dare to be a visionary. Dare to live in a better Philippines.

To my fellow volunteers yesterday, hats off to all of you. I have high respect for people like you. My husband and I would love to this over again with you guys.
Bong Antonio
Elgelaine Calva
Lelaine Calva
Leticia Calva
Lheo Dayumat
Gian Karl Fonte
Berns Galang
Janelle Ria Manalo
John Michael Manalo
Jorvy Mendoza
Jeruz Nuguid
Girlie Sapinoso
Raymond Sarinas
Doc Allan and Wife

And special thanks to my husband, Floyd for supporting me all the way. The same goes to my cousins and neighbors who have continued distributing the other campaign materials so that nothing is wasted and every single effort counts (Uchie, Maxene, Rara and friends) as well as to all other volunteers whose names I wasn't able to get and mention in case there are any. Godbless us all!

Mabuhay si Dick Gordon! Mabuhay lahat ng Volunteers!

For the rest of the photos, you may also visit Leyo Dayumat's face book photo album - MgaBoluntaryo: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=610485009&v=photos&ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=420397&id=610485009.

09May 2010

The Red Fruit

Sharing a quote from a Gordon supporter at PinoyExchange forums. So True.

"A YELLOW mango may seem ripe outside, but may still be sour inside. A mango in ORANGE color may be sweet, but beware for it may be rotten! A GREEN mango of course is unripe as of now. A RED fruit comes from... a different tree. It is simply different, it's beyond compare!"

- Originally Posted by karirwoman on PEX

07May 2010

Think About It.


If you crashed and was stranded on an island, who would you like to be with?
a LAWYER? a PADJAK DRIVER? or an ENGINEER? Think About It.

07May 2010

Gordon Knights Singapore

Announcement: GordonKnights Singapore. Huling-Hirit sa Tag-Init!
Autobots roll out FRI 6-9pm at Lucky Plaza and SAT 1-5pm LP-Embassy.

Ito po ang mga volunteers para sa Bagumbayan na nagmalasakit i-campaign si Senator Gordon here in Singapore for the last 2 months. Ikinakampanya mula sa sariling bulsa. Mga OFWs na handang umuwi at tumulong sa nation building once na mahalal na pangulo si Dick Gordon.

“May magvovolunteer ba kung walang hiya ako”- Gordon

We’re a group of volunteers here in Singapore. It all started from 3 volunteers who happened to met each other at Dick Gordons fan page. Engr. Wilson(Singaporean citizen na sya pero nagmamalasakit pa), Jonathan(financial analyst Prudential) and me(optometrist). As time goes by… dumami kami… dumating si Rein(IT), Jimmy(UPLB isko), DINO(IT), Engr. Ramil(ang isa sa pinakamasigasig), Prinzes(Citibank), Rhea(IT), Engr.Greg(Shipyard), at si Ate Raquel(DH na magiting na minsan lang namin na kampanya e sumama na)

07May 2010

Iloilo for Gordon!

When: Saturday 3-5 PM
Where: We'll assemble in Atrium Mall.

We're planning to have at least thirty with us. Now we have only ten. Don't forget to be in RED. If you want to have more details, please text Gourvy at 09129576593. Thanks.

06May 2010

Yes to Effective Leadership, Yes to Dick Gordon!

We only have 4 more days 'til Election Day. Have you made up your mind? There's no complicated formula - you only have to ask yourself. What do I expect my country to be in 6 years? What kind of future do I want to give my children and my parents when they become older? What kind of history do I want to be written this time?

If you'll ask me, it's clear to me what I really want. I want Gordon to be the next President. Why? Because I believe in change. I believe in Effective Leadership and I believe it's high time for every Filipino to embrace that change and start climbing that ladder to the top.

In my mind, back when I was still young, Gordon already had his history written and now that I'm an adult who has a greater understanding of things, I would want that history to continue because I know that the story haven't reached it's climax yet. There's more that he could offer if we give him a chance.

" yung anak mo papasok sa public school na
magaling ang teacher. the farmer will be protected. there will be no
brownouts. yung doctor mo magaling. pag nagkaproblema hahabulin ko yan
dahil maganda ang bayad ko dyan. the military will be proud. I will give
people options, choices. That's a preview of what I will do when I am
president." - Dick Gordon

That's what I want. That's my PRESIDENT!

With one goal, for the best Philippines, for the best future, let us all be for DICK GORDON.

06May 2010

Be a Volunteer Poll Watcher

Gwardyahan at Bantayan ang balota! Be a Volunteer Poll Watcher. If interested please send your name, age, contact numbers and location (barangay/city) to the following numbers:

GLOBE: 09279618414, 09063197417, 09159006698, 09159006701
SMART: 09994556512, 09994563940, 09994563159, 09994558438

06May 2010

Be Part of the Solution

Running very close to election day, numerous elements are now ready to pounce on the voting public, using fear and misinformation to fool them. With the testing runs of the PCOS machines experiencing problems, many people will use it to discredit the automated elections and try their best to persuade the COMELEC to go back to the manual process. 

Those who get scared easily will of course believe right on. Whenever I encounter people who complain about the state of the COMELEC's preparedness (or unpreparedness, for that matter), I just try to calm them down and tell them that everything possible is being done to remedy the problems. I also remind them to remain steadfast and faithful that the automated elections will work. And if all else fails? Get down on your knees and PRAY! It is entirely up to God's hands now.

Just today, I read a very interesting piece featured on GMA-7 which showed the selfless side of Sen. Dick Gordon.

At first glance, it shocked me but when I had time to digest things, I realized I really made the right choice - here's a man willing to sacrifice everything just to make sure our elections will run smoothly and free of fraud. Can the other candidates do the same?

(Photo courtesy of Dick Gordon's Facebook Page and www.dickgordon2010.com)