03May 2010

No to Mediocrity

"Highly developed spirits often encounter resistance from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

People would ask me why my vote goes to Gordon and my answer is simple - I simply couldn't settle for anything less. I have looked at their biographies, experiences, track record and watched them in their guestings and interviews. To me, only one person stood out. While all the rest were so busy with their black propagandas, Dick was focused on his platforms. He's a man who didn't necessarily have the money and the popularity yet there's substance in what he's saying. When I was still little my Dad would often bring me to Olongapo City during summer vacations and as young as I am back then I have learned to appreciate discipline. I would often see something that says: "Aim High Olongapo City and Bawal ang Tamad Dito." Policemen were courteous to street vendors. Out of respect they follow their orders and would clear the sidewalks. Inside the market, there's no littering. I remember having thrown a small piece of trash in the floor and one of the "tinderas" picked it up politely and informed me that littering is not allowed. It was also easy for us to find our way from one place to the other because the jeepneys were color coded. There's just so much that inspired me even as a kid. When I grew up, I've seen Subic, WOW Philippines and how he has helped out in Red Cross. So those were my reasons why...

My principle isn't too complex as well, I believe that surveys couldn't dictate principled people who to vote for. We do not need to limit ourselves to choose from just two only because people instill in our minds that in the end there will only be two who would closely be vying for the Presidential post and that those people would be the top two candidates in the surveys. If everyone would think this way, I'm not sure where it would lead us in the end. Why can't we do what we need to? Why can't we choose? It's not true that we do not have a choice. We all have a choice. If you opt not to make a choice, then you make yourself contented to whatever was presented in front of you. Would that be sufficient? Anything less than the best is mediocre. Those who are open to change are ready to get this country to the next level.

Let's not settle for anything less than the best... Mediocrity isn't supposed to be our destiny. Do not be swayed, do not let anybody take that right from you. It's time to make the best choice, the choice that you truly believe can make a difference. It's time to take a stand...
